I’ve decided to give myself a new challenge. For a while now, I’ve been thinking about putting an ebook together.
I’ve been working with bands and musicians for the best part of, well, a long time. Once upon a time, a lot of my day was spent talking to musicians, chatting about the best way for them to approach releases, planning their social media and online presence (way before Facebook), all that sort of thing.
Since I started presenting radio shows and keeping the blog, I get a lot of emails from bands, basically trying to sell their wares, it became apparent to me that a lot of musicians still don’t know how to approach people. That’s fair enough, they’re artists but unfortunately, in a world where the majority are independent artists, they also have to have a business head or at least the know-how to progress themselves.
Originally the idea was to make an ebook. I had the different chapters figured out, everything from how to go about getting vinyl made to getting artists visas for the United States and everything in-between. However, after some chats with people in bands and with some people in the industry, I’ve decided that this should be a podcast. On each podcast, I hope to speak to people within different organisations who work directly with musicians, finding out what they do and breaking down the jargon.
Today and tomorrow, the first invitations will be going to industry professionals. Once these are confirmed, I will also give you the chance to send me questions in advance so I can ask these questions.
To coincide with each podcast, I plan to have associated links in the website show notes and also available to download in a handy pdf. Over time, a handy comprehensive ebook will be compiled. Last thing I need to do is just finalise a name.. then it’s all go.
I’d love to hear your all your thoughts and would greatly appreciate your input.